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Lil’ Broc’s journey began when he made the move from the little garden plot where he grew up to the big city veggie patch. Like so many newcomers, he fell in love with the wonderful salad mix he found on the busy streets: the strange enticing aromas of Lychee Town where cabbages hung out in Kimchi Park, where he could watch bitter melons and lotus roots discuss business over lunch; the bustle at the intersection of Gazpacho and Vine where tomatoes blushed at the whistles of long cool cucumbers; Little Havana’s plantain stalls, the bright red strawberries that wandered the beach, even the onions that hung out by the stadium and sometimes hawked souvenirs.

but like every young urban vegetable, when the bills came due he saw he had a problem. The city was expensive. So Lil’ Broc set out to cut costs by cooking for himself. He was no chef, but he was a fast learner so he began testing new ingredients, new recipes. One night he came home to his small apartment and opened the fridge. There in the crisper drawer was a sight that had become all too common: caved-in grapes caved rimed by mold, a bit of wilted cilantro, carrots that had gone slick and slimey. All that waste. Food, money, the environment. What could he do? He knew there were others just like him. He’d seen them in the market, the wilting stems and browning edges of the young urban produce who wanted to be healthy but watched their money rot away in the crispers of their own fridges. 

“Keep from wasting your produce. Save your hard-earned money and enjoy trying new things with fresh produce.”

– Lil’ Broc

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Lying in bed one night, he thought there had to be a better way, and there on his bedside table, he saw the answer, his phone. What if a fridge was more than just an appliance? What if he could bring the world of knowledge together with the produce he wanted to save? The next day he got to work creating what he liked to call his magic fridge. Linked to his phone, the fridge could find all the best and most recent information on produce freshness, storage methods, nutrition, and more. Best of all, it could speak back to his phone, let it know when things were about to go bad and give him advice on keeping things fresh. And it worked! Lil’ Broc no longer wasted his produce. He had more money in his wallet and enjoyed trying new things with produce. In fact, he was so happy that he wanted to share his magic fridge with everyone else so that they, too, could have a fresh start.

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Take advantage of my tips for longer-lasting fruits and vegetables!
Tailored Analytics
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Easily organize, track and manage the foods in your kitchen to start living a healthy lifestyle that focuses on reducing food waste. Learn the shelf life of various foods, fruits, and veggies and how to properly store various foods in your fridge with help from Lil’ Broc!

Keep from wasting your produce. Save your hard-earned money and enjoy trying new things with fresh produce.

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